Reference Numbers
UM - 12400Product
Illig Cup Forming Thermoforming MachineYear Of Manufacture
In line Welex co-extrusion PS line with Illig RDM 50K cup forming machine with mechanical plug, RS75B Skeletal grinder. Illig stacker.
125 mm max
- 90 mm Welex single screw extruder. 30D vented. 75kw dc motor. Water cooled barrel. Hydraulic lantern slide screen changer
- Welex 56/56 gear pump
- 50 mm Welex coextruder. 24D fan cooled, mounted on pedestal.
- Welex ABA square type feedblock with replaceble insert
- 860 mm wide Welex R75 flexlip sheet die.
0-1.9 mm die gap.
- 890 mm x 300 mm 3 roll polishing stack. DC motors. 3 zone pump group with heaters and heat exchangers. 2 roll 890 mm wide haul off.
- 500 x 280 mm Illig
Machine comes with one set of dairy mold and stacking tool