The major cause of Roadway deterioration is water beneath the pavement. The source of the water can be either rainfall or irrigation. Water softens the subgrade and typically reduces pavement structural capacity by about 60%. A pavement, which is saturated as little as 10% of the time, will only have 50% of the life of a pavement with a dry base. Most of this water enters through cracks and pores in the pavement. Paving fabrics have been long recognized as a way to help pavements last longer. A leading cause of pavement deterioration is water intrusion through the pavement. In addition to providing an effective moisture barrier for pavement, paving fabrics can reduce the need for repetitive maintenance and rehabilitation costs over time. The key benefits are reduced crack development and limited water intrusion. Paving fabrics are typically a nonwoven, polypropylene fabric used as a water-proofing membrane. Applied with and in combination with a liquid asphalt tack coat, this system can be used under AC overlays and under chip seals. Although paving fabrics have been around since the mid-1960s, like many other technologies these days, they are getting greener. TenCate Geosynthetics now offers a paving fabric created with post-consumer throw-away plastic containers. This "green" paving fabric continues to be manufactured with polypropylene, however, it is blended with waste polyester, which is obtained from recycled plastic bottles. The TenCate fabric is manufactured with up to 25% post-consumer plastic waste. One difference is that the green fabric is heavier than the conventional fabric. This has both benefits and disadvantages:
The standard rate of AC, which is normally .25/gallon, goes up to .27/gallon or .28/gallon. Also there is more 'meat' in place fighting the moisture penetration that happens with asphalt. Green paving fabrics have an advantage over conventional paving fabrics because it is made from plastic resin. Green paving fabrics are expected to have a higher effectiveness as a waterproofing barrier because of its increased amount of PG asphalt binder applied during placement.
This green stress-absorbing membrane interlayer (SAMI) can be used any where there's asphalt paving – from roads to airports to parking lots. The fabric is manufactured to meet AASHTO M288 paving fabric specifications and meets all the tensile and physical properties necessary. This fabric can be milled up and used in RAP; it will go through the screening process, just like any other paving fabric. It comes with a two-year guarantee. Installation process for green paving fabric is the same for a conventional paving fabric, and meets AASHTO specifications. Equipment and process used for installation continues to be same.
Nearly 20,000 square yards of the green fabric was installed over the surface area of a parking lot in Baltimore, MD.