A fuel cell is an electrochemical device that combines hydrogen and oxygen to produce electricity, with water and heat as its by-product. The fuel cell will continue to generate power as long as the fuel is supplied, operating continuously as long as the necessary flows of fuel and oxygen are maintained. Since combustion is not involved and conversion of the fuel to energy takes place via an electrochemical process, the process is clean, quiet and 2-3 times more efficient than fuel burning. Benefits that fuel cells offer include low or zero emissions, high efficiency and reliability, multi-fuel capability, siting flexibility, durability, scalability and ease of maintenance. Fuel cells reduce noise pollution as well as air pollution and the waste heat from a fuel cell can be used to provide hot water or space heating. Fuel cells can be fed by fuels that are readily available, including biofuels, thus reducing reliance on foreign oil and an electric grid. Although it is a relatively young industry, fuel cells have shown vigorous growth in the past few years. SBI Energy Research estimates that the market grew from US$353 mln in 2005 to US$498 mln in 2009, global sales is estimated to reach US$1.2 bln by 2014. Much of the early optimism for the future of the industry was driven by USA and other government investment. Early expectations of a quick, low-cost source of alternative energy have been mediated by the realities of lengthy product development cycles and the growing acceptance of alternative energy technologies such as wind and solar. As the new US administration pulls back from aggressive investment in the technology, some observers are now questioning how quickly fuel cells can achieve widespread commercialization. As a consequence, fuel cells are in a race with other alternative energy technologies such as solar and wind for widespread acceptance.
As per fuelcells.org, the applications of fuel cells include:
Stationary: In hospitals, nursing homes, hotels, office buildings, schools, utility power plants - either connected to the electric grid to provide supplemental power and backup assurance for critical areas, or installed as a grid-independent generator for on-site service in areas that are inaccessible by power lines. When the fuel cell is sited near the point of use, its waste heat can be captured for beneficial purposes (cogeneration).
Telecommunications: Fuel cells have proven to be up to 99.999% reliable. Fuel cells can replace batteries to provide power for 1kw to 5kw telecom sites, provide power in sites that are either hard to access or are subject to inclement weather.
Cars: Most major automotive manufacturers have a fuel cell vehicle either in development or in testing stage. Commercialization is a little further down the line, sometime after 2012.
Planes: Fuel cells are an attractive option for aviation since they produce zero or low emissions and barely any noise. The military is especially interested in this application because of the low noise, low thermal signature and ability to attain high altitude.
Boats: For each liter of fuel consumed, the average outboard motor produces 140 times the hydrocarbonss produced by the average modern car. Iceland has committed to converting its vast fishing fleet to use fuel cells to provide auxiliary power by 2015 and, eventually, to provide primary power in its boats.
Consumer Electronics: Fuel cells will change the telecommuting world, powering cellular phones, laptops longer than batteries. Other applications for micro fuel cells include video recorders, portable power tools, and low power remote devices such as hearing aids, smoke detectors, burglar alarms, hotel locks and meter readers.
The polymer electrolyte membrane (PEM) fuel cell stored onboard in pressurized tanks is the predominant fuel cell type employed in transportation applications. Research is helping development of new ion-conducting plastic films for use in Proton Exchange Membrane (PEM) fuel cells. These membranes are said to generate electric current more easily, operate across a broader temperature range and cost less than the incumbent materials, which are mainly sulfonated fluoropolymers. Membranes are the heart of a PEM fuel cell, serving as the electrolyte to allow ion exchange and create current. Since the 1960s, Nafion has been the membrane of choice in specialized fuel-cell applications such as spacecraft. DuPont's Nafion is 5 mils thick and works at high humidity and 60 to 80°C.
As per ptonline.com, the new effort to develop membranes include:
• Dais-Analytic and Dow Plastics collaboration to commercialize a lower-cost membrane based on Dow's Index ethylene-styrene interpolymer (ESI).
• Celanese Ventures’ development of a polybenzimidazole (PBI)-based membrane for fuel cells that operate at 150°C.
• Ballard's cooperation with the British parent of Victrex USA to produce two new membrane alternatives. One is based on sulfonated polyaryletherketone (a variant of PEEK) resin supplied by Victrex.
The nascent fuel-cell industry is shifting to thinner membranes, resulting in higher current density, resulting in enhanced generating power. The disadvantage is a less mechanically robust membrane. DuPont has introduced a 2 mil thick Nafion film and is working on a 1 mil version. Dais-Analytic’s technology offers reduction in membrane cost, opening potential in both fuel cells and moisture-transfer membrane applications for heating and air-conditioning systems. The company uses Dow's ESI as the basis of its membrane that costs less than Nafion, has excellent ion conductivity and water uptake, and can be tailored for specific end uses. It has two potential limitations: a relatively low (85°C) operating-temperature limit and possibly a shorter membrane lifetime. Celanese Ventures is focused on meeting anticipated demand for membranes usable in higher temperature fuel cells, more energy efficient than today's cells that operate at under 100°C. The company's PBI polymer can operate at the expected 150°C requirement, or even at 190°C.
As per Specialchem, car manufacturers developing fuel cell powered vehicles are investigating new PEM fuel cells that have higher operating temperatures (120°C to 180°C) for faster startup time and improved fuel cell efficiency. Huntsman Advanced Materials has developed a benzoxazine based resin for use in high temperature PEM fuel cells in automotive applications operating at a continuous temperature of 120°C. The predominant technology for H2 fuel tanks is a filament wound carbon fiber/epoxy pressure vessel rated up to 700 bars. These tanks typically have a protective outer wrap of glass fiber/epoxy or glass fiber/vinyl ester over the structural carbon fiber/epoxy layers and HDPE or metallic liner. Quantum Technologies Worldwide Inc. has developed proprietary 'TriShield' technology to produce an ultralight advanced composite tank rated at 700 bars for FCV compressed H2 on-board storage. The TriShield is an advanced carbon composite shell with a high molecular weight polymer liner that serves as a gas barrier and a protective outer layer. Lincoln Composites patented their TuffShell tank technology that also features a PE inner liner, a carbon fiber and resin composite shell, and protective outer layer.
IdaTech plc has announced Phase III roll out of the latest generation hydrogen backup power fuel cell systems in Indonesia. Telecommunications networks require reliable backup power solutions that can operate several hours or several days when electricity is unavailable due to factors such as severe weather, natural disasters, or poor grid quality. IdaTech's ElectraGen fuel cell systems were developed specifically to provide critical backup power to the telecom market when loss of grid occurs.