Geosynthetics is a term that is being increasingly heard across the construction industry these days. Although geosynthetics has been in existence for a well over five decades now, it is only in the last decade or so that the utilization of the technologies on a regular basis has been done for infrastructure, in most parts of the world.
Global demand for Geosynthetics is expected to reach 6.9 bln sq. yards by 2015, as per report by Global Industry Analysts, Inc. Increased spending on infrastructure development activities, residential and non-residential construction operations are expected to drive demand for geosynthetics, globally. Geosynthetics are polymer-based synthetic materials, which are used with rock, earth, soil, or other materials associated with geotechnical engineering, for facilitating cost efficient projects in transportation, building, construction and environmental sectors. Transportation sector offers growth opportunities due to the ability of geosynthetic products in enhancing durability of roads, improving drainage facilities, and facilitate construction of erosion-preventing structures. All these are achieved at a lower cost as compared to traditional products. Landfill market represents another key focus area for geosynthetics (geomembranes), owing to their increased usage in sealing waste containment areas and leachate pits. Asia-Pacific, Europe, and the United States dominate the global geosynthetics market while emerging markets such as Russia, China and India are expected to exhibit robust gains, driven by enhanced focus on infrastructure development, change in regulations pertaining to environmental protection and development of construction codes. Rising consumer preference for geosynthetics over traditional materials is expected to increase demand for geosynthetics in China. In the United States, growth in the geosynthetics market is led by increased spending on highway and road construction sectors, as part of the infrastructure rehabilitation and rebuilding programs. Demand for geotextiles is expected to grow steadily, owing to low cost as well as structural and drainage support properties. Major players profiled in the report include CETCO Lining Technologies Group, CONTECH Construction Products Inc, Firestone Specialty Products Company, Propex Operating Company LLC, Royal TenCate NV, Tenax Corporation, and Tensar International Corporation Inc.
Demand for geosynthetics in the US is expected to increase 7.7% pa to US$2.9 bln in 2015, as per This rate is acceleration over the gains posted from 2005 to 2010 given that sales of certain types of geosynthetics were sharply restrained during the recession that occurred in the latter half of that period. Funds made available through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, however, helped mitigate the recessionary effects and spurred sales in 2010. Going forward, growth will be driven by a projected recovery in construction spending and transportation infrastructure expenditures through 2015. Gains will also be boosted by strengthened regulations regarding landfill containment and stormwater runoff from agricultural, construction and industrial sites. The continued development of time- and costsaving applications for geosynthetics, as well as the increasing availability of more durable and effective geosynthetics, will also contribute to value gains. Geosynthetics in the landfill market made up 34% of value demand in 2010. This position is primarily because of regulations that result in landfills using high value geomembranes more frequently than many other markets. Geomembranes help prevent contamination of the surrounding land and groundwater with leachate. In area terms, transportation infrastructure, which benefited most strongly from the stimulus funds, was the largest market for geosynthetics in 2010, with one third of demand (but only 20% of value demand). The most commonly used geosynthetics in this market are geotextiles, which are relatively low cost products compared to other geosynthetics. Through 2015, geosynthetics used in the construction market are expected to post the fastest annual growth rate in both value and area terms, although from reduced 2010 bases, as construction spending activity recovers. Additionally, increasingly strict stormwater runoff regulations will boost sales of geosynthetics used on construction sites. The small but growing market for geosynthetics in residential landscaping and decorative applications will also contribute to demand gains. In value terms, geomembranes made up the greatest share of the geosynthetics market, with 50% of demand in 2010. However, geotextiles was the largest segment in area terms in 2010, representing 72% of demand. Through 2015, geonets, a relatively niche product, are expected to achieve the fastest gains, employed in drainage applications due to stricter government regulation requiring their use.
As per a report by Freedonia, US demand for geosynthetics is projected to advance 6.8% pa through 2015. Nonwoven and woven/knit geotextiles will remain the dominant segment and offer good growth prospects, driven by construction and transportation infrastructure markets. Geonets will achieve the fastest gains from a much smaller base. Gains will be promoted by increased road and highway construction spending as federal, state and local transportation agencies rebuild and rehabilitate the nation's transportation infrastructure. he construction market will continue to be the leading market for geosynthetics, in area terms, primarily due to the application of geotextiles to provide support, drainage and erosion control in construction projects. The transportation market will offer the strongest growth rate for geosynthetics through to 2012. The report further shows that increased interest in recycling and reducing wastes, as well as the durable nature of geosynthetics used in the landfill market, will restrain advances. Other markets may provide some niche opportunities, especially agriculture and mining, due to interest in increasing crop yields to make biofuels and an expansion in the US mining industry.
As per an earlier report by Freedonia, demand for geosynthetics is projected to advance 2.5% pa to 905 mln sq yards in 2012. Gains will be promoted by increased road and highway construction spending as federal, state and local transportation agencies rebuild and rehabilitate the nation’s transportation infrastructure. Geosynthetics can be used to improve the lifespan of roads and other structures by stabilizing foundations, promoting drainage and preventing erosion, generally at a lower cost than alternative products. As many construction projects are subjected to competitive bidding processes, use of geosynthetics will be specified instead of more expensive materials. Further gains in demand for geosynthetics will be promoted by continued nonresidential construction spending and an acceleration in residential building construction expenditures. In value terms, demand for geosynthetics is forecast to advance 4.2% pa to US$2.1 bln in 2012. Advances will be spurred by demand for highperformance geosynthetics such as geomembranes, geogrids and preformed geocomposites. These geosynthetics offer improved performance properties than less costly geosynthetics and can provide better long-term value. Geomembranes to continue claiming most market share In 2007, geotextiles accounted for 71% of demand in area terms because of their low cost and their drainage and structural support properties. In value terms, however, geomembranes accounted for the largest share of the market, comprising 47%, as geomembranes are significantly more expensive in unit terms than other geosynthetics. Geomembranes will continue to hold the leading share of demand in value terms in 2012, although demand gains will be restrained by moderating petroleum prices.
Through 2012, the construction market will continue to be the leading market for geosynthetics, in area terms, primarily due to the application of geotextiles to provide support, drainage and erosion control in construction projects. The transportation market will offer the strongest growth rate for geosynthetics through 2012, as geosynthetics will be used to make roads more durable, to improve drainage and to construct structures that prevent erosion. In value terms, the landfill market accounted for the largest share of geosynthetics demand in 2007, due to the frequent use of high-cost geomembranes in landfills to seal off leachate pits and waste containment areas. Through 2012, however, demand gains in value terms will advance at a below-average pace. Increased interest in recycling and reducing wastes, as well as the durable nature of geosynthetics used in the landfill market, will restrain advances. Other markets may provide some niche opportunities, especially agriculture and mining, due to interest in increasing crop yields to make biofuels and an expansion in the US mining industry.
With the increased emphasis on sustainability and with Geosynthetics helping in improving long-term environmental security, across various sectors including, road building, waste management, wall reinforcement, etc, it is not surprising that specialized geosynthetic products are in demand in India. Several leading players, global, as well as domestic, have now established base in India, which is a pointer to the rising demand. Some of the industry leaders in the field include names such as Terram Geosynthetics Pvt Ltd, Techfab India Industries Ltd, Geosys India Infrastructures Pvt Ltd, and Gabion Technologies. While the Indian market may be still at a nascent stage and have some catching up to do with its developed counterparts, there is no denying the growth pattern. The potential of the Indian market can be gauged from a FICCI 2009 report on the industry, which had indicated that it would be an Rs.300 crore market for geosynthetics in 2012. Given the fact that the industry is growing at a CAGR of 10-12%, the current market for geosynthetics can be pegged at around Rs.270 crore. With the 12th Plan Period envisaging an investment of US$1 trillion for infrastructure development and a buoyant real estate sector, the next few years could herald a new era of rapid growth for the geosynthetics industry. The continued impetus to infrastructure development in India has meant that the demand for geosynthetics is expected to rise quite significantly in the near future.
Geotextiles find typical application in areas such as separation, erosion control and filtration & drainage. They offer a slew of advantages over conventional methods, improving construction efficiency, while at the same time being a cost effective solution. Major areas comprise of RE walls for flyover construction, ground improvement, engineered landfills, pavement strengthening, slope protection, erosion control, etc., thus highlighting the important role played by geosynthetics in infrastructure development.
Geosynthetics is an area where rapid changes are taking place in almost every aspect, whether it is geotextiles, geogrids, geosynthetic clay liners, geofoam, geocells, drainage infiltration cells, or geocomposites. The fact that geosynthetics enable a range of functions including separation, reinforcement, filtration, drainage and containment is what is making geosynthetics the favourite with engineers and contractors globally. With increased emphasis on sustainability, there has been widespread research going on in the field of geosynthetics and their ability to help in reducing environmental impact in construction sites. The last few years have seen an increase in the number of published examples of demonstrated reduced carbon footprint in projects where geosynthetics were used. The use of geosynthetics, particularly in the case of bunds and embankments, walls and road construction has been examples of the key role that geosynthetics can play in enhancing sustainability. Apart from reduced costs of material, geosynthetics also enable short-term environmental benefits such as reduction in noise pollution and wastage. The long term benefits include reduction in embodied CO2, in projects where geosynthetics have been used.
Geosynthetics is one field where the need for specialized expertise cannot be but overemphasized. It is often stressed by experts in the field that geosynthetics will work only if they are properly understood by design engineers and handled/installed property on site. The process however, is easier said than done because geosynthetics are more often than not buried and therefore, don't get the necessary attention. Poor handling on site or a sharp construction equipment can quite easily pucture or tear a geomembrane. The successful adoption of geosynthetic products is heavily reliant on experienced understanding in design and installation. With increased R&D focus, it is not surprising that the application areas of geosynthetics today range all areas of civil engineering. Few application areas include:
• Subgrade separation and stabilization in highway and airport pavements
• Reinforcement of the granular subbase/base layers of highway and airport pavements
• Railway trackbed stabilization
• Moisture proofing and reinforce-ment of asphalt overlays
• Drainage of roads, airports, railway tracks, sports fields etc.
• Reinforced soil retaining structures for approaches to flyovers, road over rail bridges, underpasses and bridges, hill roads, development of residential and commercial sites etc.
• Reinforced soil slopes for construction of embankments, hills roads, landslide repair etc.
• Gabion retaining walls
• Construction of road and rail embankments on weak ground
• Reclamation and ground improvement for ports
• Coastal protection
• Riverbank protection
• Scour protection of bridges and hydraulic structures
• Lining systems of municipal solid waste and hazardous waste landfills
• Tunnel linings
• Rock-fall protection
The Indian market for geosynthetics is gradually evolving with newer products and technologies, making their impact. Intensifying competition has meant a wider choice of geosynthetic products is available in the market. Leading players are leaving no stone unturned when it comes to offering quality products that also hold an edge over competiting products. Thermally bonded nonwoven geotextiles are manufactured using continuous filaments of polymer which are sprayed onto a moving belt. The sheet of sprayed filaments is passed through an oven where the filaments are compressed and bonded together at a high temperature. This process gives High tensile strengths and high Puncture resistance (CBR) with optimum pore sizes and required permeability. Terram has a unique polymer composition of polypropylene (PP) and polyethylene (PE). This unique polymer combination provides excellent resistance to chemical attack within aggressive soil conditions. As per, just as in the case with other areas of civil engineering related products and services, the typical Indian customer today is no longer driven only by price. Increased emphasis on quality and sustainability issues has meant that customers today want a value proposition and not just a product. While it is true that geosynthetics is a growing field in the country, it must be also accepted that there is still some catching up to do, if the Indian market were to be spoken of in the same breath as some of its developed counterparts. Just as in the case with all other civil engineering concepts, the dissemination of reliable information on geosynthetics holds the key to how fast the market for geosynthetics grows in India. The communication mechanism, whether it is within professional associations, or in educational institutions, or from the manufacturers to the contractors and customers, holds the key to the growth of the market. However, there is also no denying the fact that the growth process has started in the right earnest, in the last decade. With the continued emphasis of the government on infrastructure development and other key areas such as ground improvement, waste management, coastal and river bank protection, irrigation and flood control, ports, etc, the gradually rising awareness levels, geosynthetics is one area, whose growth chart can be confidently said to be going only in one direction- upwards.