Driven by the quest for innovation and excellence, Steer Engineering has designed the Generation Next OMEGA H Class extruder that exhibits enhanced efficiency in High Torque Applications with further reduction in residence time, thus increasing productivity by over 25% compared to conventional extruders. Steer has presented its Generation Next Omega H Class twin screw equipment for US market at NPE 2009. This extruder has torque rating of 17 Nm/cm3 at 720 rpm which is considered to be the highest among the present extrusion equipment globally. It also has a large ratio external: internal (Do/Di) screw diameter ratio of 1.71 and a 52:1 L/D. This equipment is designed for difficult processing polymer materials such as ETP, such as engineering plastics; colour, mineral and additive masterbatches; wood and natural fiber composites; cable compounds; and low bulk density materials. Due to high torque, increased free volume and decreased residence time, the H Class is capable of producing 25-50% more throughput than conventional extruders. Earlier in 2009, Steer displayed an output record for its Omega 40 H. The machine achieved an output of 900 kg/hour with a formulation containing 40% talc in an 11 MFR PP polymer. The OMEGA H Class twin-screw extruder is the first of its kind for difficult-to-process material with polymer, delivering the highest torque densities to increase productivity (importantly energy efficiency) as well as the quality of the processed material. Omega H class is all about improvements in critical areas of a co-rotating twin-screw extruder. Increase in volume (25%), increase in torque carrying ability (33%), increase in wear strength (30% with WR5 and over 200% with WR10), improvement in intake capacity (over 200% with SFV/RFV), improvement in shear uniformity (reduction of peak shear by a third), improvement in mixing and melting due to enhanced smearing, stretching and stirring effects and most importantly the reduction in over all residence time (to less than 10 seconds from 30 seconds) as well as the tightening of the residence time distribution to a third of the residence time have resulted in a significant capability that has made new applications such as jute filled Polypropylene or Long Fiber Reinforced Thermo Plastics (LFRTP) a reality. Omega H Class is a versatile extruder platform powered by proprietary EPZ (Extruder Processing Zone which is the heart of an extruder) that provides supreme control over residence time distribution and energy input to manage complex applications. |