Though introduced as water distribution systems in the late fifties, CPVC piping systems have seen a rapid growth in popularity because of their fast and easy installation process, that allow meeting of tight deadlines and budgets. CPVC system is fully tested and approved by UL, FM and LPCB, as well as being accepted by all leading insurers. On site, it is easier to fabricate these systems as compared to metal systems. Materials can therefore be delivered directly to the job site with no prefabrication - providing a significant cost saving. Also CPVC pipe and fittings weigh a lot less than metal, making them easier to handle during transport and installation. CPVC piping is also a very clean product to install. Secure joints are made using a cold solvent welding process which requires only a few simple tools. Correct lengths can be cut and prepared on the spot, eliminating saws, threaders and torches. There is no oil or grease on the pipe - as is often the case with steel - which minimises the risk of damage or mess in the work area. This is especially important in retrofit applications, where costly damage to decor is always a possibility. Lightweight CPVC piping systems are approved for stand-alone and multipurpose sprinkler applications in concealed and exposed settings. They also meet the requirements of all major model building codes. They are listed by the Underwriters Laboratories (UL), UL of Canada and the Loss Prevention Certification Board. To understand the increasing market share of CPVC in the sprinkler industry, it is important to understand what makes it unique.
Durability & Long Service Life: CPVC pipe and fittings have a natural immunity to scale, corrosion and microbiologically influenced corrosion, leading to a long, low-maintenance service life that can exceed that of metallic systems. CPVC systems have a 50-year life expectancy with a safety factor of two. CPVC pipe and fittings are rated for continuous service of 175 lbs per square inch (psi) at 150°F. As part of the UL Listing requirements, the pipe is required to sustain 5 times the maximum rated pressure of 175 psi, which is 875 psi, for a period of 1 minute.
Superior Hydraulics: Steel pipe has a C-factor of 120 compared to the 150 C-factor of CPVC pipe. This higher C-value indicates that CPVC pipe has less friction loss, which often allows for pipe downsizing of at least one size smaller in diameter than steel.
Flame & Smoke Resistance: CPVC is not combustible and will not contribute to flashover. CPVC piping systems have a flash ignition temperature of 900°F, depending on the manufacturer. As a result, CPVC fire sprinkler systems cannot be the ignition source of a fire and will not sustain burning. CPVC pipe and fittings will not burn unless a flame is constantly applied and stop burning when the ignition source is removed. Additionally, it also has low smoke toxicity. Testing at the UL of Canada has shown that CPVC pipe produces only one-third the smoke of kiln-dried wood. Because it offers outstanding resistance to fire and low smoke generation qualities, CPVC fire sprinkler piping systems are even approved for use in plenum spaces in accordance with NFPA 90A, Standard for the Installation of Air Conditioning and Ventilating Systems.
Greater Productivity: CPVC pipe and fittings are not a limited natural resource subject to international supply and demand fluctuations. This means CPVC piping systems have a more controlled, stable material cost vs metal piping. CPVC piping systems are easier to install than metal systems. Field fabrication is quick, simple and clean, and the pipe is lightweight and easy to handle and transport. Installation is fast, due to the system's one-step low volatile organic compound (VOC) solvent cement joining process. It essentially involves two operations: cutting the pipe and applying the solvent cement. Typically, by nature of the joining process, CPVC joints are actually stronger than the pipe or fitting alone.
During retrofits, CPVC offers the following advantages:
• Quick installation means less downtime.
• Quiet and clean installation process decreases disruption to occupants.
• Design flexibility allows CPVC piping systems to be installed on walls or ceilings or even tight spaces.
Residential Installations: In the past, sprinkler systems primarily have been installed in commercial applications, and smoke alarms have figured prominently in residential settings. 80% of fire-related deaths, however, occur in homes. Sprinkler installation in new homes is barely 1-1.5% the cost of new home construction. The average property loss in a sprinklered home is US$2200; whereas in a home without sprinklers, losses average US$45000. Contrary to popular belief, residential fire sprinklers do not compromise a home's aesthetics for the sake of safety. Residential sprinklers are small and can be recessed into ceilings or walls. Some models are completely concealed by plates that can be matched to room paint colors.
Versatility: In both residential and light commercial applications, CPVC fire-sprinkler systems are commonly used in concealed installations. The minimum requirements, as set forth by UL, for concealed installations protecting CPVC are as follows:
• 3/8-in. thick gypsum wallboard.
• Suspended membrane (drop-in) ceiling with tiles weighing no less than 0.35 pounds per square foot.
• 1/2-in. thick plywood.
Because of these superior performance capabilities, CPVC pipe and fittings are the only nonmetallic system permitted for use in a standalone system or installed in an exposed environment, in accordance with the NFPA. CPVC can be damaged by contact with certain chemicals found in some construction products. For instance, CPVC is not compatible with edible oils, petroleum- or solvent-based sealants, synthetic oils or glycol-based antifreeze. Incompatible materials may compromise the integrity of the CPVC piping system.
Harvel’s Blazemaster®CPVC Fire Sprinkler Pipe is produced from a specialty blend of CPVC material with unique physical properties desirable for piping applications.
(Source: Matthew Kuwatch, BlazeMaster CPVC Fire Sprinkler Systems)