Manufacturer of Thermoforming Mould

POLYFORM TECHNOLOGIES a hallmark in the field of thermoforming mould manufacturing.

POLYFORM TECHNOLOGIES today stands on the integrated values of reliability, innovation & precision - the first choice of thermoformers across the globe.

At POLYFORM, we believe in being innovative.
Innovative in terms of…
…concepts (by suggesting newer & technically smarter way of packaging)

…product design resulting in innovative mould parts as per its function

…manufacturing process to the highest degree of accuracy

State-of-the-art manufacturing process begins with designing on CAD in 2D and 3D. Be it a simple product design, a complex tool design or the direct use of computer data on CNC machine, our integrated system provides full proof design in the nick of time.

The combination of mould layout, material selection, cooling & trimming system achieves significant improvements in the performance and life of our moulds

as the name itself suggests, gives to the best possible solution for forming a wide range of polymers.

dedicated team of technologists and assistants by way of their unique co- operation fuel the company's success

Right from studying polymer and its behavioral aspect, conceptualizing a creative product, understanding the clients’ stated & implied need, formulating the right tool and finally forming it into a finished product… just right for today’s thermoforming industry

The concept of easy-to-use disposable wares has revolutionised the food packaging industry. Right from the morning cup of tea to breakfast, lunch, snacks & dinner and even at cocktail parties, thermoformed products dominate the scenario.

Drinking Glass - Die 72mm - 32 Cavity

Die 72 mm – 32 cavity drinking glass making
high-speed thermoforming mould
(Suitable for 650 x 350 mm forming area)

Round Container - Dia. 123mm - 6 Cavity
Round Container - Die 123mm - 6 Cavity

Die 123 mm – 6 cavities round container making
in-mould cutting thermoforming mould
(suitable for 500 x 350 mm forming area)

Trim-in-place Thermoforming Mould with 2 Cavities

Trim-in-place thermoforming mould
with 2 cavities (2 trays at-a-time)
for 8-compartment meal tray
Common mother mould with change-parts (2 lids at-a-time)

Round Container - Dia. 123mm - 6 Cavity500 gms 3 Cavity Rectangular Sweet-box

500 gms 3 Cavity
Rectangular sweet-box making
Thermoforming Mould

Round Container - Dia. 123mm - 6 CavityTrim-in-place Thermoforming Mould with 3 Cavities

Trim-in-place thermoforming mould
with 3 cavities (3 trays at-a-time)
for 6-compartment Cup-holding Tray

Trim-in-place Thermoforming Mould with 3 Cavities

4 CP Foam PS Meal Tray

4CP Foam PS meal tray making - 12 Cavity match mould
(suitable for forming area of 1000 X 1000 mm)

Contact Us
Company Name
Contact Person Mr. Bhavesh Bhojani

Unit 1: A-24, Laghu Udyog Kendra, Gate No. 2, I.B.Patel Road, Goregaon (East), Mumbai 400 063, INDIA
Unit 2: 7, Cosmos Industrial Estate, Naikpada, Valiv-Village, Vasai (East), Dist: Thane 401 208, INDIA

Contact Number
+91 9322243739 / +91 9967550036
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