Company Profile
CRISIL Ratings is a full service rating agency that offers a comprehensive range of rating services. CRISIL Ratings provides the most reliable opinions on risk by combining its understanding of risk and the science of building risk frameworks, with a contextual understanding of business.
CRISIL is the only rating agency to operate on the basis of a sectoral specialisation, which underpins the sharpness of analysis, responsiveness of the process and large-scale dissemination of opinion pieces. In addition, CRISIL also offers services to the mutual fund industry through CRISIL FundServices, a leading provider of fund evaluation services and risk solutions in India.
With over Rs. 7.8 trillion of debt, 5,600 issues and 3,000 issuers rated to date, CRISIL continues to play a key role in the development of India's debt markets.
CRISILs association with Standard & Poors (a majority shareholder) helps CRISIL to anticipate new market challenges and introduce value-added rating methodologies.
CRISIL Ratings also offers technical know-how overseas. including setting up ratings agencies in Malaysia (RAM) and Israel and in the Caribbean.
With over a 60% share of the Indian Ratings market, CRISIL Ratings is the agency of choice for issuers and investors
         Crisil SME
CRISIL has introduced SME Ratings for the benefit of Medium and Small Enterprises.
CRISIL SME Ratings will reflect the level of creditworthiness of an SME, adjudged in relation to other SMEs. CRISIL SME Ratings will be assigned with the following rating definition:
"The rating indicates that the level of creditworthiness of an SME, adjudged in relation to other SMEs is ………"
(as per table below)
CRISIL SME Rating Definition
SME 1 Highest
SME 2 High
SME 3 Above Average
SME 4 Average
SME 5 Below Average
SME 6 Inadequate
SME 7 Poor
SME 8 Default
Benefits For SMEs
Enables best SMEs to better differentiate themselves among other SMEs
A trusted third party opinion
Faster access to funding at appropriate interest rate and other terms
Credibility with business partners - customers, suppliers and collaborators
Tool for self improvement - gives a comparative benchmark
Visibility - listing in CRISIL publications and website
For Banks
Ready reliable third party opinion
Rating reports provide relevant information for loan approvals
Facilitates lending decision- quantum of loan, price, margin, security
Helps in better credit quality differentiation among SMEs
For SME sector
Will improve credit flow, transparency, discipline and best practices
Key features of CRISIL SME Ratings
Ratings assigned to all types of business enterprises
All types of business enterprises, including public and private limited companies, cooperative societies, partnership firms, and sole proprietorships, are eligible for CRISIL SME Ratings.
Entity rating
CRISIL SME Ratings are entity-specific ratings, unlike CRISIL's bond ratings, which are issue-specific. Thus, all debts of an SME, including working capital bank loans, term loans, and other debt, are assigned the same SME rating, irrespective of the tenure of the loan and any security/collateral provided for the loan.
Surveillance based on specific requirement
A CRISIL SME rating is provided as a one-time assessment. The rating is valid for one year from the report date, provided no significant changes/events occur during this period which could materially affect the business or financial parameters of the organisation. CRISIL encourages SMEs to obtain rating reviews periodically, and will carry out reviews whenever requested by the SME or the lender.
How to apply / rating process
Send a rating request to CRISIL along with preliminary background and financial information along with rating fee. The format of the rating request as well as the information requirement can be obtained from CRISIL website '' or from any of the CRISIL offices listed overleaf. Please contact any of the CRISIL offices listed overleaf for the rating fee payable.
CRISIL's representatives will interact with the promoters/management of the company.
CRISIL will then analyse the information and inputs obtained during the interactions and arrive at the rating. CRISIL will forward the rating report to the SME (and to the lender, if mandated by a lender).
The entire process will take three to four weeks from the time of receipt of all necessary information and documents. However, if required, CRISIL can ensure a faster turnaround time. Top
         Crisil Sme For SSI
In association with NSIC, CRISIL is now rating Small Scale Industries (SSIs) on a special rating scale, using criteria tailored for the small-scale sector. The fees for this rating are presently subsidised by the Government, making it a unique opportunity for small enterprises to get themselves rated.
When you go in for a rating from a credible agency, you improve your standing with bankers, customers, suppliers and employees. Specifically, an NSIC-CRISIL rating will bring you the following benefits:
Credibility with banks: A good rating from CRISIL carries weight with lenders, and can help you get faster and cheaper credit. The Indian Banks' Association (IBA) has endorsed the NSIC-CRISIL rating, and informed its member banks of the same. CRISIL has entered into a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with major banks including State Bank of India, UCO Bank, United Bank of India, State Bank of Travancore, State Bank of Mysore, Corporation Bank, Bank of Baroda and Canara Bank for rating their SSI customers at concessional fees
Confidence building with business partners: Your NSIC - CRISIL Performance rating is an indicator of your performance capability and financial strength. A good rating gives comfort to lenders, customers, and suppliers.
Self - improvement tool: With its rating, CRISIL gives you a detailed analytical report on your company's strengths and weaknesses. The report will help you strengthen your operations and improve the working of your company. This insightful, credible and independent feedback is supported by the strongest industry and company research in India.
Improved visibility: With the CRISIL rating, your company will get a free listing in CRISIL's RatingScan, a publication that is used as a reference for lending decisions by banks. We will also feature your company on CRISIL's website. Top
Contact Us
Company Name Crisil Ratings
Contact Person Mr. Yogesh Dixit
Address Crisil House, 121 - 122, Andheri-Kurla Road, Andheri (East), Mumbai - 400 093.
Contact Number +91 - 22 - 66913142
Fax +91 - 22 - 66913000
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