For Sale - PCM - 4454 - PVC Compounding Machine


Reference Numbers

PCM - 4454


PVC Compounding Machine

Product Details

Application : Plastic industry, Processing machinery, Rubber and thermoplastics
Design : Customized
Power Supply : 220 V/ 50 Hz

In the field of manufacturing and supplying, our company offers supreme quality PVC Compounding Machine. These are designed as per the set industry standards. We ensure that selecting a system takes into account chemical compatibility with the base resin, the ability to achieve a suitable match with a standard, surviving the stresses and temperatures of the fabrication process, and providing durability in the system to match the life of the product while at the same time meeting cost constraints.

Features :
- Proper compatibility
- Durability in nature
- Withstands extreme conditions

For further information contact :
Mr. Suraj Makhija
Mobile : 9820338454
email :

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