Reference Numbers
PCM - 3950Product
Optic Sheet Extrusion line
- Wearable, Durable, high transparent, flame proof sheet
- High impact sheet
- Anti static sheets
a) Home Appliances & Instruments:
- Refrigerator parts, TV / computer cabinet, Toys, Chair back seat, Lamp & lanterns material for electronic items, Air conditioners, LCD for mobiles, Computer, Sunglasses, Helmets
b) Sanitary wares:
- Bath Tubs, Shower cabinet, Washing Bowl, vapour Room
c) Advertising:
- Guiding board, Machinery sign, Indoor decoration
d) Luggage:
- Baggage cases, Recreation bags
e) Car industry:
- Car Doors, Window Frames, Dash boards, Interior decoration of Cars & Buses
Wind shield for Army, Police, Motor cycle The Train, The Plane, The Steamers, The submarine
(For technical specification, images, please see next pages)